
Garage Band

This is a screen shot of garage band where we created the music sound-track for our 2min opening sequence.

My Contribution

I was incharge of all the camera equiptment, filming and finding our filming locations and thinking of the main story and plot. I also helped to edit the opening title sequence, as well as helping to do the power point presentation.
I had never really filmed anything and as a result had a few difficulties, such as, camera shake and taking correct shots with good lighting. I got the hang of it and dealed with and overcame these minor problems. I enjoyed learning how to edit on final cut pro and found this to be a very important skill.
I feel thal i contributed largely to the group and felt that we worked together very well. We should of been more organised when filming and arranged passific timed to work on editing but overall it worked out well and we achieved what we set out to do. I feel that I personally contibuited alot to the group to help our opening title sequence to get finished in time.



19/4/10- Today we re-filmed parts of our opening title in St. Johns Wood high street. It went very well and we got a lot of footage shoot. I was filming and directing Saman and am now editing the footage so that it can be cut and pasted in to are final opening sequence to hopefully improve it.


Production Notes for Opening Title Sequence


Cast list
Saman playing main character
Character Breakdown

main character is brought up in a lower middle class family, he feels that he had a bad childhood and theirfor has to shoplife for attention. He is quick thinking and very streetwise. He is 18 years old and doesn't have a job or go to school.

Actor:Saman S
Producer: Julian Wogman
Director/Camera man: James Vanger

Equipment list
Battery charger
SD card/tapes

Music - Created as a group on garage band
Voice over - written and recorded by James vanger

4 pairs of "True Religion" jeans
(that he takes from shop)

dark grey hooded jacket
hooded jumper
light grey tracksuit bottoms
blue tee-shirt
Nike shoes
black gloves

St.Johns wood
and slip roads surrounding
Shop- Square One

26/11/09 - 06/12/09 - Pre-Production



Location Photographs

Location Photographs

These are our location shots of St. Johns Wood, mainly in and around the high street. We chose this locationas as it is quiet and a very affluent area. We also had an avalible shop to work in, which helped us a lot. With this we had to work quickley and had to be very organised in order to achieve what we needed. We also had to deal with the general public coming into the shop and match on action from scenes in the road with cars and people moving. This location worked well for our film and is visually intressting and familiar, i also found it conviennent as it was near to our collage and was quite easy to get to.