
This opening sequence is similar to mine and includes a chasseing scene. I like how the main character drops his possessions whilst he is running to show that he doesn’t care about anything apart from getting away. There are a range of shots, including: medium, long, close up and tracking shots of them running. Then there is a voice over explaining an ideal life and how that is not what he wants or has, we know this as its cuts to him in his house and it is very empty and dark and he is standing there smoking. Then he talks about his friends and goes to a shot of then in front of a goal and shows them playing football in a barbaric manor. Throughout the opening the frame freezes on a character and has their name in bold white font.

He has no reasons for his actions other than drug abuse which seems to be the cause of his crimes and problems.

Kidulthood Opening

The movie opens with a zoom shot of, Revolver Entertainment, which is one of the leading independents in the UK, is a multi-award winning, marketing-led, all rights film distributor who continues to shake up the industry with a unique approach.

Then HanWay Films which arranges financing, sales and distribution for many films and third party producers and directors, fades in.

Then it zooms into the title which is in bold modern text.

After that the music ques which is a track by The Angle and has a very urban feel to it, the is along to people playing football on a muddy pitch and a hectic hand held view of the surroundings which happens to be in a school playground.
Then it switches to a calmer shot of someone setting up a drill and then back to a the playground where we can see one of the main characters on the phone. Then we have a scene where there is stereotypical bulling between two girls. This is followed by a posher middle class boy inviting the main characters of the film to his party which is very significant in the movie.
Then we see bulling between a gang of older boys towards a younger boy, this shows a hierarchy between the characters. After this there is a boy kissing a girl behind a tree with his two friends keeping a look out. Then we are told that she is
Sams girl
who was the boy in the gang in the previous shot, we can tell that everyone is scared of him and in the last shot of the two minuet opening there is a close up shot of his face looking angry and intimidating.

The genre of this movie is a drama which explores many themes of A day in the life of a group of troubled 15-year-olds growing up in west London, such as: Growing Up, Cigarette Smoking, Stealing, underage Sex, Underage Smoking,
Suicide, Underage Sex, Shopping, Beaten To Death, Friend, Teen Parties, Death, Teen Parent, Underage Drinking, Drug abuse, Gun and knife crime, Fighting, Teenage Pregnancy, School, Bullying, Violence, Teenagers, Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship, etc.
The film is directed by Menhaj Huda and written by Noel Clarke and is aimed at an audience of 15 and over.

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